I’ve been creating fused glass jewelry for more than fifteen years and have produced literally thousands of earrings, pendants, pins, and bracelets. In recent years, my focus has shifted to large bowls and plates that are both decorative and practical, and to art pieces that can be hung on walls or displayed on mantels, credenzas, and bookcases. I find the bowls, in particular, to be “perfect vessels” to highlight the intrinsic beauty of the materials and the graceful line of the object.
The technique for these perfect vessels was taught to me by an Irish glass master, who devised a physically challenging method for making molten, kiln-formed glass perform in a way previously thought to be impossible. Many artists won’t attempt these vessels because of the multi-step process and the necessity of donning fireproof body and face protection to manipulate the glass in a 1200 degree kiln.
After several sessions of this open kiln manipulation, the resulting form is subjected to many hours of cold working (cutting, grinding, sanding, sandblasting, …) and sensitive hand polishing. The final aesthetic is achieved by the application of an elegant matte finish.
Most recently I have started combining enamels, glass frit, and powdered glass to produce lovely landscapes suitable for hanging.
My work is displayed at
- C’ville Arts , on Charlottesville’s historic mall and
- the Vienna Arts Society and Damon Gallery in Vienna, Virginia
My work has also been juried into many Washington-area shows.
Mary Ellen
PS — When I first started selling my jewelry, customers would frequently try on a pendant or a pair of earrings, look in the mirror, and exclaim “It’s me!” Since ME happen to be my intials, “IT’S ME!” seems like a natural title for my jewelry line.